Gamex Premium Scouring Sponge Perla Medie X6
Made of premium material that mimics the qualities of the natural sea sponge:
1- Long life - will not tear easily and will keep on creating soap foam for a very long time
2- Amazing foam creation power: reduce the quantity of soap used!
3- Anti Bacterial - fight germs and bacteria
Gamex Premium Quality Sponges are from best producer in Europe & Scourers are Made in Italy
Size of each: 11 x 7.5 x 3 cm
Comfortable, easy-to-hold shape
سفنج مع سيف عالي الجودة عدد 6 قطع
السفنج يستعمل تكنولوجيا تحاكي اسفنج البحر الطبيعي مما يجعله يصنع رغوة صابون أكثر بكثير من السفنج العادي
يدوم لعمر أطول ولا يفرط
حجم الاسفنجة مناسب لحجم اليد Gamex is a leading company in the manufacturing and marketing of cleaning items and products for household, automobiles and in the professional field alike.